Greg Wilson unveils new book and podcast
Greg Wilson unveils a new book and podcast answering the question ‘Who Was James Hamilton?’": a treasure trove of dance music history.

Lou Hayter releases new album ‘Unfamiliar Skin’
Lou Hayter releases second studio album ‘Unfamiliar Skin’ on Greco Roman records.

The Pool Heads to ADE
The Pool head to ADE for an all night rooftop dance at Volkshotel with ChewChew, Mim Suleiman, Eluize, & Space Dimension Controller. Come for live music and DJs with dinner, dancing, and city views. Tickets available here...

Welcome Sound Metaphors
The Pool is delighted to announce the arrival of Berlin based Castro & Nemo from Sound Metaphors to the roster.

Welcome Millie McKee
The Pool is happy to announce the arrival of the eclectic selector of all things cosmic, spiritual and psychedelic to our roster. Keep your eyes peeled for her forthcoming comp via the London based record store and label Hidden Sounds!

Mim Suleiman releases new album ‘Saba’ in collaboration with maurice fulton
Mim Suleiman annouces the release of a new album 'Saba' in collaboration with Maurice Fulton

Man Power Opens Full-Time Venue In North Shields
The project represents a unique model of activating pre-existing at risk spaces. “AYA” are especially keen to speak to promoters working in live music.

System Olympia drops ‘Sanctified ep’
With radio plays from Benji B and Lauren Laverne already, Sanctified EP is "naked skin over a sunken heart, and a soaring mind.”

Flo Dill In the New York Times
Great piece with Flo, in the New York Times. Next level press business.

Maurice Fulton Releases new LP ‘Black Eye’ under 'Syclops’ Alias
Maurice Fulton drops 10 track LP 'Black Eye’ as Syclops to rave reviews…